Bästa råvaror
Vi använder bara högsta kvalitet från vår leverantörer
Kunniga kockar
Vår utbildade personal lagar din mat efter dina önskemål
Snabba leveranser
Bestäm vilken tid du vill ha din order levererad
Hur fungerar det
Skapa en beställning
Steg 01
To make an order at first step you need select meal, that you want to order. You can do it on our menu page, where all dishes are sorted by categories. Click on menu item and in opened page press “Add to Cart” button. You can add as more items, as you need.
Steg 02
Gör beställningen
Next step is to place your order. To do that you can go to shopping cart, by using widget in sidebar, pressing button with the same name or by click on cart icon in header. In shopping cart you can check your order, fill form fields and after that confirm your order.
Step 03
After all that steps we call you back immediately (or maybe in 3-5 minutes) to confirm your order and to clarify details. And after that we will sent your order for you. All our delivery men are fastest drivers in the world, so your order will not have time to cool!